Renoviction Report Launch

February 28, 2024 at
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
1270 and 1280 Webster Street 1270 Webster Street London, ON N5V 3P3

The following is from ACORN London:

Across the city, tenants have had to deal with predatory corporate landlords who have been throwing them out through no fault of their own by issuing bad faith eviction notices for demolitions or major renovations (N13s). These tenants are then forced into a housing market where they are not able to afford the rent or are forced to cut back on spending for essential services just to be able to pay their high rent.

The city needs to step in to protect tenants from predatory landlords by passing a Renoviction Bylaw! Hamilton City Council passed one earlier this year, why not London! Read about Hamilton ACORN’s effort to make their bylaw here!

ACORN will be releasing a HUGE report that will review the scale of renovictions happening in London and across the province from 2017 to August 2023. It will also look at what kinds of landlords are the biggest perpetrators.

Come out to 1270 & 1280 Webster St to listen to ACORN members sharing their experiences with renovictions and demovictions and put pressure on London City Council to follow through with the motion passed in January and pass a Renoviction Bylaw in London!

PS. Send an email to your City Councillor telling them you support ACORN’s campaign for Landlord Licensing, a Renoviction Bylaw, and a Tenant Defense Fund in London by clicking this link!