This Labour Day Join Us

The London and District Labour Council Hosts a Labour Day Event in Celebration of our Proud History Defending Workers and Communities

September 2, 2022

For Immediate Release

London and District Labour Council

The London and District Labour Council is pleased to present a Labour Day event in Springbank Park, which promises to be celebratory and a great way for union members, families, and everyone in the community to enjoy time together.  There will be musical entertainment and plenty of activities for kids, including games, face painting, glitter tattoos and a magician performing.  Food and drink will be safely provided free of charge.

“This is such an important day for us to celebrate our proud history of defending workers and communities,” states Patti Dalton. “Workers have been on the frontlines during the pandemic and courageously provided many vital services in very difficult circumstances. We need to take this day to recognize how much we have contributed to our communities, and to take a break before gearing up again to fight on so many fronts.”

Unbelievably, the Ford government refuses to legislate permanent paid sick days; they have attacked collective bargaining rights through Bill 124; they have shown utter disrespect for unions and workers, with the current OPSEU safety inspector strike being a glaring example.  The Ford government has also now proclaimed that people with COVID-19 don’t need to isolate, and that masks and social distancing are not needed in schools, which medical experts are saying will lead to a massive new outbreak.  And the recent passing of Bill 7 without any public consultation is a clear message that they have no regard for democracy, and it clearly violates people’s human rights in that they can be forced to live in a facility without their consent and potentially far from family.  

So, as we celebrate and enjoy Labour Day, we also know that we must rise to the serious challenges we are facing – the time is now to renew our collective power and to mobilize for better workplaces and better quality of life for everyone.  

Date:              September 5, 2022, Labour Day
Time:             Noon – 4:00pm
Location:       Springbank Park Site F, 1085 Commissioners Road West, London, Ontario
Contact:        Patti Dalton, President, London and District Labour Council  519-494-3901

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