Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation

Sign our petition to defend public healthcare

The following is from the Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation:

As most social democrats must do, I’ve fought throughout my entire political career to defend our public healthcare system from relentless attacks, both subtle and outright. I fondly remember working alongside Jack Layton, not only to protect but to expand healthcare for all Canadians. You probably remember Jack saying he wanted to make Canada a place where nobody was left behind. Those are words he truly meant and it guided everything he did. Like Tommy Douglas before him, he wanted a truly universal healthcare system, a vision social democrats have been fighting for in Canada for decades.

“When you go to see a doctor you present your health card, not your credit card.”  – Jack Layton

But unfortunately, we’re seeing a major push, especially in certain provinces towards privatization. When politicians want to privatize a public service, the recipe is simple:

Step 1: Defund and break the system.
Step 2: Lie about why the system is broken and how to fix it.
Step 3: Open the door for privatization as the solution.


We’re seeing that unfold right now in front of our very eyes. Like always, it’s everyday people and especially marginalized and vulnerable communities that pay the price. People are falling through the cracks of our system and it will continue to get worse unless we take urgent action to stop it. That’s why after consulting with experts on the matter, we’ve launched a petition urging policymakers in Canada to take action on 4 main points:

Ensure Accountability in Healthcare Funding: Implement conditions on federal healthcare funding to provinces, ensuring these funds are used exclusively for public healthcare services, with comprehensive oversight and accountability measures.
Combat Healthcare Privatization: Strengthen regulations to prevent private, for-profit entities from encroaching into the healthcare sector, ensuring healthcare remains a public good rather than a commodity.
Increase Investment in Public Healthcare: Address chronic underfunding by investing in public hospitals, clinics, and infrastructure, ensuring timely and high-quality medical services for all Canadians.
Support Healthcare Workers: Improve working conditions, wages, and support for training and retention of healthcare professionals to maintain the quality and accessibility of healthcare services.
We believe these measures are critical to safeguarding the integrity of Canada’s public healthcare system and ensuring it remains universal, publicly funded, and accessible to all Canadians. Please click here and sign this petition today!

Campaigns like this Defend Public Healthcare campaign only work if we can reach a large number of people and rally the kind of movement that can’t be ignored. Here are the main ways you can help us do that:

  1. Sign the petition yourself! You can do that here:
  2. Share the petition with friends and family on your social network like Facebook – or, simply forward this email to your friends and family.
  3. Donate to the campaign. Funding this campaign allows us make sure the campaign is seen far and wide. You can do that here: 

Thank you for standing with us. Together we can raise awareness and motivate policy makers into action!



Irene Mathyssen