CALM London Mini-Conference

February 09, 2023 at
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
OPSEU Membership Centre 1092 Dearness Drive London, ON N6E 1N9

You are welcome to join CALM (Canadian Association of Labour Media) in London, Ontario on Thursday, February 9 for a conference with an amazing lineup of workshops. This day-long event is open to all, and CALM members pay discounted delegate fees. Lunch will be included.

Here is a list of some of the confirmed workshops:

iPhone videography
Tackling racism in your union
WordPress for beginners
Designing accessible reports
Media Relations
Crisis communications
Tips to nail that interview

Confirmed presenters are:

Chelsea Connor
Virginia Ridley
Nora Loreto
Craig Needles
Katie Wilhelm
Mojdeh Cox
Anna Jover

Register using the link