Enough is Enough! South West Regional Event
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST OPSEU Membership Centre 1092 Dearness Drive London, ON N6E 1N9
Keynote Speakers:
Pam Frache Coordinator Justice for Workers – Decent Work for All
Layla Staats Land and Water Defender – Change Maker – Film Maker
Dear Friends,
So many people are struggling in London and all across the province. The Ford Government’s budget fails to address the many urgent issues facing us, and includes various cuts by stealth. The budget does not address the affordability and housing crisis; the crisis in public healthcare and the increasing privatization of healthcare; the underfunding of the public education system; and the privileging of corporations and the wealthy, at the expense of the rest of us. We have had enough of the Ford government’s total disrespect for unions and other labour advocates, and their ongoing failure to ensure that everyone has the public services and basic necessities they need, to live with dignity.
We say Enough is Enough! We are taking action in London and all across Ontario.
We are inviting labour councils, union members, community activists and organizations, and everyone who will join us in solidarity on April 15 to take action and to plan for major mobilizations across the South West and the entire province.
In Solidarity,
Patti Dalton
President London and District Labour Council