Speak Up Speak Out keep the focus on injured workers

Injured Workers Day 2024

June 01, 2024 at
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Victoria Park (NW Corner) 580 Clarence Street London, ON N6A 3N1

This event information is from Occupy WSIB:

Join us at the northwest corner of Victoria Park for Injured Workers Day on June 1!

Here are ways you can help:

  1. Sign the petition: Add your name to our petition and show your support for the Injured Workers’ Bill of Rights. Share it within your networks and encourage others to add their voice, too.
  2. Spread the word on social media: Amplify our message by resharing our posts on Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram. Your voice matters—let’s make it heard.
  3. Share the following graphics: Download and share our graphics on your social media platforms.
    Shareable 1 and Shareable 2
    Tag @OFLabour and @ONIWG and use these hashtags to maximize visibility and impact: #ISupportInjuredWorkers, #IWBillofRights, #OnLab, #OnPoli
  4. Join our Injured Workers’ day event on June 1 in London. Promote Injured Workers’ Day events by resharing our posts on Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram. Tag @OFLabour and @ONIWG and use these hashtags to maximize visibility and impact: #ISupportInjuredWorkers, #InjuredWorkersDay, #OnLab, #OnPoli

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