LDLC October 2023 General Meeting
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST This is a virtual event
September has passed by very quickly and your Labour Council Executive has already met. We are continuing to hold our regularly scheduled monthly GMM Meetings.
For all members, the LDLC recognizes the resurgence of COVID once again. We will return to in-person meetings when a positive changes can be made.
At this meeting, we will be having one guest speaker for our October meeting. An election will be held for our two (2) vacant Executive positions. As this is an election meeting, we would encourage all affiliate members to arrive at the commencement of the Zoom meeting so we will be able to achieve quorum.
With the OFL Convention coming upon us, we have one LDLC Delegate credential and one LDLC Youth credential. For those who are interested in these credentials, you are invited to our upcoming General Membership meeting. We would love to hear from you with your related experience and how you can utilize your experience at the OFL Convention to engage and strengthen the labour movement. So again we would encourage all equity members from our Affiliates to attend the meeting to be able to put your name forward.
An Agenda for this meeting along with the previous Minutes will be circulated shortly.
Please RSVP using the form on this page to receive the zoom link.