Fighting for Democracy... and Strategies to WIN!

Taking Back our Power: Fighting for Democracy and Strategies to Win

February 15, 2025 at
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM EST
OPSEU London Membership Centre 1092 Dearness Drive London, ON N6E 1N9

We are pleased to announce that the London and District Labour Council, with the support of the Canadian Labour Congress, will be hosting a special political action conference.

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We are facing historic challenges as we head into provincial and federal elections. We must organize as labour and community organizations to defend democracy and all of the rights we have won, which are under attack in the current political climate. The conference will feature sessions on fighting far right populism, deep organizing strategies, research data, and space for planning specific actions.

Click here for the conference poster

Conference Agenda February 15, 2025

Taking Back our Power: Fighting for Democracy and Strategies to Win

930am – Registration

1000am – Welcome/Land Acknowledgment and Equality Statement/Officers

1010am – 1030am Keynote Speaker:  CLC Secretary Treasurer Lily Chang

Workers Together Campaign and Our Political Climate

1030am -1100am Plenary Presentation:  CLC Regional Representative Felicia Samuel

Workers Together: The Data & Next Steps to Take Action

1100am – 1230pm Workshops:

1.    Fighting for the Canada (and Ontario) We Want: This workshop is about taking action to organize your co-workers and community to harness people power and fight for democracy. Facilitator: John Cartwright Chairperson, The Council of Canadians and Past President of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council.

2.    The Issues and You and Having the Tough Conversations: With both a provincial election in play and a federal election in sight, there’s a lot at stake. Do you find yourself at a loss about how to speak with colleagues, family, or friends about the issues that matter? This workshop will provide you with strategies to have those tough conversations with confidence.  Presenter: Felicia Samuel

3.     A Young Workers Workshop using the new Young Worker Toolkit will be an engaging and educational session designed to empower young workers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to participate in the labour movement. The workshop will follow an interactive, discussion-based format with a combination of presentations, group activities, and role-playing exercises. Presenter: Connor Pierotti OFL Young Workers’ VP

1230pm – 100pm Lunch

100pm – 200pm Plenary Presentation: Alejandro Pachon CUPE National Researcher

Right-Wing “Populism” and How to Fight it

A new wave of right-wing “populism” has gained electoral prominence in Europe and North America. In Canada, like in the U.S., this populist wave threatens to undermine the social safety net that workers have built for decades. In this presentation, you will hear about how right-wing populism is developing in Canada, what its features are, and who is benefiting from it. But none of this is inevitable, and you will also hear about how workers and community can organize to reverse this right-wing tide.

200pm – Report Back from Workshops and Wrap up

Taking Back Our Power February 15, 2025