London Health Coalition Hospital Emergency Online Town Hall
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM This is a virtual event
Our public hospitals are in an unprecedented crisis. The Ford government has done substantially nothing to help them. Instead they have funnelled millions into for-profit corporations to privatize our public hospital services.
Almost 100 Emergency Departments have had closures across Ontario. If the Ford government continues to ignore & downplay the staffing crisis — and use the crisis as an excuse to privatize – our community hospitals are at grave risk.
All across Ontario people have banded together for a century or more to build up our local public hospitals. We have volunteered, fundraised and donated from our pay cheques because these are vital services for our communities. The Ford government’s plan would dismantle our local public hospitals, taking the profitable services out to for-profit corporations, robbing them of desperately needed staff and funding.
We must force the Ford government to address the crisis and take urgent action to support our local PUBLIC hospitals. We CAN do this, but everyone needs to help to make it happen.
Thursday March 2
London Health Coalition Online Meeting
6:30 pm, For more information and Zoom details: please contact Jeff Hanks at