Save Bresica rally

Save Brescia Rally

October 10, 2023 at
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Brescia University College 1285 Western Road London, IB N6G 1H2

The following is from the Brescia Preservation Alliance (BPA):

We represent over 1200 students at Brescia University College who oppose the controversial proposed merger with Western University which was announced on September 21, 2023.

The BPA stands in solidarity with the Brescia Faculty Association (BFA), the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT),  the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association (OCUFA) and the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA). We are united together to challenge the proposed merger due to lack of consultation with the academic community. Brescia’s president, Lauretta Frederking, and Western’s president, Alan Shepard, were both negligent in the management of this potential merger. They failed to inform, negotiate or consult with the Faculty Associations nor the University Senate.

They violated duty to consult in labour relations and as stated by CAUT executive director, David Robinson, “The Merger contradicts Western’s own governance principles, that decisions affecting academic programs must be made by academic staff through the University Senate and the Senate as well as faculty unions should have been involved from the beginning of this decisions”. There are shared concerns of significant job losses for both faculty and staff and continuation of unique programs if a merger were to occur on May 1, 2024 as proposed by Western. Robinson stated “CAUT is ready to provide representation and legal support on behalf of faculty associations” and he questioned “…whether the integration as it is currently being planned should even proceed”.

A statement released by OCUFA includes, “The University has also sidestepped the established collective bargaining processes to push this plan forward”. OCUFA represents 17,000 faculty and other academic professionals.

Another rally and march will be held on Tues Oct 10, 2023 at 10:00 am starting at Brescia Hill. We are kindly requesting your support to share this information and encourage attendance at the upcoming rally.

A student created petition ( Petition · Help the Students of Canada’s Last Women’s University: Brescia University College! · ) now has over 10,000 signatures which confirms there is widespread support for preserving Brescia University as it is the last women’s only university in Canada.

Updates will be posted on the BPA Instagram page at SaveBrescia_Western