REDress Day May 5, 2024
On May 5, 2024, we gathered to honor and bringing awareness to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S+) at Victoria Park in London, Ontario. REDress Day is a time for remembrance, advocacy and bringing awareness to the systemic issues leading to violence towards Indigenous People across Turtle Island and beyond.
The issue of missing and murdered Indigenous people in London, Ontario, is a complex and sensitive topic. It’s important to approach this subject with respect and awareness.
There have been reports and investigations into the disproportionate number of missing and murdered Indigenous people in Canada, including in London, Ontario. The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) was established in 2016 to investigate this issue. The inquiry’s final report, released in 2019, identified systemic racism, colonialism, and gender-based violence as contributing factors to the high rates of violence against Indigenous people.
If you or someone you know is affected by this issue, there are resources available to help. The National Inquiry’s final report includes recommendations for addressing this issue, and there are organizations and support services available to provide assistance and support.
For more information and resources, you can visit:
- The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG)
- The Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres
- The London Police Service’s Indigenous Liaison Officer