I support PSAC members

Call to Action in Solidarity with PSAC

April 23, 2023

Dear Friends, 

I am writing to urge you to support the Public Service Alliance of Canada PSAC in their current strike action. PSAC represents over 150,000 workers in the federal public service and has been fighting for their rights and dignity at work.

PSAC’s key issues in this strike include decent wages that prevent workers from falling further behind the cost of living, a more inclusive federal public service, remote work enshrined in their collective agreements, and job security. We must show the collective power of all labour councils, unions and the labour movement to stand in absolute solidarity with PSAC workers across Ontario and the country. 

PSAC members provide vital public services to Canadians, and they deserve fair compensation and working conditions. I urge you to support PSAC by joining their picket lines, donating to their strike fund, and spreading the word about their struggle. To find a picket line near you, visit https://workerscantwait.ca. Together, we can be a force to be reckoned with, ensure gains at the bargaining table with the Federal Government employer, and fight for fair and equitable working conditions for all workers.

In Solidarity and calling you to action,

Patti Dalton

President London and District Labour Council

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