London and District Labour Council Mobilizes May 1 in a Historic Province Wide Day of Action to Demand a Workers First Agenda and to Fight for a New Government on June 2
Media Release May 1, 2022
London – the London and District Labour Council is mobilizing with community organizations on events in London and area to ensure that the issues that mean the most to working people and their families, are heard loud and clear, heading into the June 2 election. After four long years of Ford Government attacks on workers, and two years of a pandemic in which the Ontario government failed to support communities and exacerbated the inequalities suffered by so many, the London actions are part of labour taking to the streets across the province in a massive show of solidarity and defiance of the Ford Government, to demand a better future in Ontario.
“The Ford Government has shown utter disrespect for workers through Bill 124, which stopped cold improved wages in the midst of a deadly pandemic and through Bill 195, which allows employers to override collective agreements legally bargained by unions, has meant utter chaos in workplaces and levels of stress I have never seen for workers,” states Patti Dalton President London and District Labour Council. “We are demanding a $20 minimum wage; decent work; the repeal of Bills 124 and 195; affordable housing; permanent paid sick days; well funded public services; a living wage for all; an end to racism and oppression; status for all; and climate justice. It’s time for a better Ontario. It’s high time for a new government”.
The Ford Government has failed in so many glaring ways to keep workers and communities safe during this unprecedented pandemic: from the failure to provide permanent paid sick days; to the failure to ensure smaller class sizes; the chronic underfunding of education with billions more in cuts planned; to the deaths in long term care homes and workplace stresses and dangers for health care workers; to the failure still now to provide PPE for all frontline workers. The Ford Government shamefully privileged their corporate cronies and private schools for rapid tests at a critical point in the pandemic. The Ford Government callously decided to remove contact tracing and access to optimal public testing; not to mention putting a stop to the recording of data about COVID infections because they well knew there would be massive Omicron outbreaks and further deaths. The decisions made by this government have been devastating. And now they are attempting to gain votes through last minute maneuvers that only show how desperate and fundamentally immoral they are, leading into the election.
It’s unacceptable. It’s time for a better Ontario. It’s time to put workers first and it’s time for the supports every community needs.
It’s time for a new government.
Events on Sunday May 1:
Rally at MPP Monte McNaughton’s Office 930am – 1030am
Tolpuddle Award Event in the Peace Park 1100am – 1130am
Rally in Victoria Park Northwest Corner 1230pm – 130pm
Contact: Patti Dalton President London and District Labour Council
pattidalton@gmail.com 519-494-3901