OHC: Ford government facing legal action over licence for long-term care home
The following is from the Ontario Health Coalition:
We have received TONS of media coverage for our announcement yesterday of our court action to get a judge to order the Ford government to act in accordance with their own legislation and stop giving a new 30-yr license and massive expansion to one of the most notorious long-term care homes in the country. For-profit chain Southbridge, whose lobbyists have connections to the Ford government, should not get a free pass on the suffering and death suffered by their residents and families.
If you want to watch the livestream of the press conference it is here: https://fb.watch/qcCf8OVBPz/
The legal action is going to cost quite a bit and we need to raise the money for it. If you or someone you know can help, please donate to our legal fund here: https://www.ontariohealthcoalition.ca/index.php/donate-now/
That so many thousands of people died and suffered should have been its own “never again”. We promised we would do everything we could to ensure that long-term care is fixed finally, and we intend to fulfill that promise.
Thank you all very much for your support and help.
Natalie Mehra
Executive Director