OHC: Info on what OHIP covers & illegal/unlawful charges to patients
The following is from the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC):
Last evening, we held a webinar on what OHIP covers and which patient charges are allowed and which are not allowed. Thank you very much to all who joined! If you were unable to attend, you can click here to watch the webinar: https://youtu.be/1bdCAWBrg48
In this email, we are sharing information about OHIP coverage and illegal/unlawful charges because we are getting tons of complaints from patients who are getting charged for medically needed services, especially in private clinics. Currently in Ontario, most of the charges that patients tell us about are from private cataract surgery clinics. We are trying to stop the Ford government from expanding them.
Click here to access the following resources about OHIP coverage and illegal/unlawful charges:
- Webinar slideshow with explanations of illegal/unlawful charges and patient examples
- Our fact sheet on what cataract surgery patients can and cannot be charged for
- The Ministry of Health’s fact sheet and bulletin release on what OHIP covers for cataract surgery
If a private clinic has charged you or someone you know for medically needed services (e.g., cataract surgeries and MRIs) or manipulatively upsold you for procedures that are not medically needed (e.g., special cataract lenses), would you consider reaching out to us? We are making a public report and formal complaint to the provincial and federal governments to stop extra user charges for patients. If you are willing to participate in the formal complaint, please email info@ontariohc.ca or call 416-441-2502. The formal complaint will not be made public and we will not include any patients’ names or personal information in the report without permission to do so.