Ballot Box

Message to Affiliated Members: 2022 Municipal Election

October 18, 2022

Dear Friends,

It has never been more urgent that you pay attention to the municipal election and that you vote for the best, most union-aligned and progressive candidates in this 2022 municipal election.  This message includes the list of our London and District Labour Council’s endorsed candidates for the 2022 municipal election.  We have also included the OSSTF endorsed Trustee candidates for the Thames Valley School Board. 

We are seeing incursions of American hate politics in Ward races and in Trustee races across Ontario and Canada.  The Canadian Anti-Hate Network has noted the influences of far-right American strategies connected with the anti-vaccination and so-called “stop woke” movement which have targeted boards of education and have attacked the foundational principles that we stand for in the labour movement.  We must protect local democracy and those principles that we have long fought for in public education and across the labour movement in Ontario and Canada.  Your vote is critical – please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions about the municipal election.  You can also get relevant details on our website that will assist you to vote for our endorsed candidates.  I have been carefully tracking the political dynamics locally, provincially and nationally.  I believe that we are voting to ensure our democracy remains vibrant at the grassroots level and beyond, and that we need to stem the tide of American hate politics here. 

In Solidarity,
Patti Dalton
LDLC President

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